8 Unhelpful Thinking Styles That Are Holding You Back

assumptions awareness mindset progress thinking style Oct 30, 2024

Hey Friends, 

I've seen how unhelpful thinking styles can hold people back from reaching their full potential.

Here are 8 common unhelpful thinking styles to be aware of: 

  1. All-or-nothing thinking 💢 - This is when you see things in black and white, with no shades of grey. You see everything as either a complete success or a total failure, with no middle ground.  
  2. Overgeneralization 💥 - This is when you take one negative experience and assume that it will always be that way. For example, if you have a bad day at work, you might assume that every day will be bad from now on.
  3. Mental Filtering 🔍 - This is when you focus only on the negative, ignoring all the positive. For example, if you have a great day, but one thing goes wrong, you might only focus on the one thing that went wrong.
  4. Disqualifying the positive 🚫 - This is when you dismiss positive experiences as unimportant or meaningless. For example, if someone compliments you, you might brush it off and say, "They're just being nice".  
  5. Mind reading 🔮 - This is when you assume you know what someone else is thinking without any evidence. For example, if someone doesn't return your call, you might assume they're mad at you.
  6. Fortune telling 🔮 - This is when you make predictions about the future without any evidence. For example, you might assume you're going to fail a test without any real evidence to support that. 
  7. Magnification/Minimization 🔍 - This is when you blow things out of proportion or downplay their significance. For example, if you do well on a test, you might downplay it and say, "It was just a lucky guess," while if you do poorly, you might magnify it and say, "I'm never going to be able to do anything right."
  8. Emotional Reasoning 💭 - This is when you believe that your emotions reflect reality. For example, if you're feeling down, you might believe that everything is hopeless without any real evidence to support that. 

By becoming aware of these unhelpful thinking styles, you can start to challenge them and replace them with more helpful and realistic thoughts. 💡

Remember, changing the way you think takes time and practice, so be patient and kind to yourself. 

You got this! 💪


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