6 Truths I’ve Learned On My Self-Discovery Journey

mindset personal growth self care self-discovery well-being Jan 31, 2024

Hey Friends, 

The road to self-discovery is paved with quiet moments of realization that, at first glance, might not seem like much πŸ›£οΈπŸ”. However, as time passes and we gain perspective, we come to recognize the immense impact these insights have had on our lives.

Here are six truths I've learned on my journey of self-discovery:

  1. Don't compare yourself to others; compare yourself to the progress you've made so far πŸ“ˆ. Remember, you can still learn from others—both what to do and what not to do! I often say in therapy and coaching "Comparison is the thief of joy." It totally is! We never come out winning when we compare ourselves to other people. Focus on yourself & do your absolute best. It's you vs you, trying to be better than yesterday each day! 
  2. It's okay to make mistakes and fail. Failure is usually not that bad, and we often blow it out of proportion to the actual consequences. Many times, the fear of failure is worse than the failure itself, which often provides valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. By recognizing that setbacks are a normal part of life, we can approach challenges with more courage and resilience. Understanding this helps reduce anxiety and empowers us to take risks and pursue our goals without undue fear.
  3. Other people are going through stuff, too. They're not just extras in your movie πŸŽ₯. Be extra kind and gentle, people are fighting battles you know nothing about! 
  4. Sometimes, you have to do the exact opposite of what your mind is telling you to do 🧠. When in doubt, ask yourself, "Would a hero in my movie do this?" Also consider that sometimes doing nothing is the answer while you get to a space of calm and reason to make a healthy choice that is not impulsive.
  5. Ruminating and beating yourself up for a mistake is often more harmful than the original mistake πŸ₯ŠπŸ˜”. Learn from your missteps, dust yourself off, and march forward. Self-compassion allows you to learn from errors without being overwhelmed by guilt or shame, promoting resilience and personal growth. By treating yourself with kindness, you can move forward more effectively, focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on the past. This approach not only boosts your confidence and emotional well-being but also encourages a healthier, more constructive attitude towards challenges and setbacks.
  6. You can only take responsibility for your attitude, self-talk, and actions πŸ€”πŸ’ͺ. Everything else is either in the "influence zone" or the "let it go" zone (cue the Frozen soundtrack πŸŽΆβ„οΈ). 

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