Looking for a passionate presenter?


Besides my clinical work, one of my other passions involves public speaking or teaching engagements. I really enjoy putting materials together for specific groups and presenting that in a succinct and captivating way.

If you are looking for a clinician to come to your event and speak about important topics in the mental health field, reach out to me and let’s chat about what specific needs you have and fees associated with it.

Often organizations will reach out and ask me to speak at their company on a specific topic. Sometimes they have issues with leadership or employee retention, or they might simply want to create a better company culture, invest in their employees, and have someone speak to them about burnout and stress reduction or having healthy work-life boundaries. You get to determine what your organization needs and I will create and deliver that structured presentation for you.

I love staying connected to different communities and it is a great way to give back and educate the public on some pretty cool things that totally affect our wellness.

Let me help you break the stigmas associated with Mental Health and provide education in a fun way!

Get in touch

Let me know how I can help you.

Be thoughtful about what you share—information sent over the internet is not 100% secure.